About Us.

"I want to help people change their lives… and help them not go nuts in the process." – Chris Bair, co-founder of Keto Chow

Chris and Miriam Bair

By Chris and Miriam Bair

We started keto to take back control of our health, but meal prepping and trying to keep track of macros was hard! So we created Keto Chow for ourselves to make keto easy and crazy delicious. (Turns out other people also want quick and tasty keto food, so here we are!)

"Keto is the only thing I have ever tried that has had any lasting effect on my health and my weight. It turned my life around."

Our first introduction to the ketogenic diet was when our oldest son started having seizures. As we followed the medical advice that was given to us, we were introduced to keto as a potential last-ditch effort to treat these seizures if medication was not successful. We finally found a medication that helped our son, and we all but forgot about the ketogenic diet until years later when Chris decided to lose weight. As we started keto (Chris first and then later Miriam), we quickly realized how effective it was (it was the only thing we tried that had any lasting effect on our health), but it was daunting and time consuming. Even though we researched as much as possible, we still made mistakes like not getting enough electrolytes, and using a shake that were loaded with coconut flour, chia seeds, and other gritty stuff. (0/10 would not recommend.) We wanted to make it easier.

YouTube ThumbnailWhy we make Keto Chow

Thats when Keto Chow was born

Our goals were simple:

  • Make keto easy. (We didn't want to spend all our brain power and time just figuring out what's for dinner...and we're guessing you probably don't either.)
  • Prevent electrolyte deficiency (sometimes called the keto flu and it's about as fun as it sounds).
  • Make it tasty enough to honestly, actually, for realsies enjoy consuming it.
  • Make it easy to get essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
Chris and Miriam Bair with their kidsThe Bair Family in September 2020
Keto Chow Team photoKeto Chow Team in January 2020
What began as a personal experiment in 2014 became a quickly growing company. Our Keto Chow family expanded as we reached more people and hired new employees.

After perfecting the formula, we found that friends and family were interested in this strangely-named meal. (Yeah, it's a funny name. But in our defense, a) the word “chow” is used pretty commonly to denote food of the non-canine variety, b) it's a Futurama reference so that's a win, and also c) we didn't expect it to become a business!) Pretty soon, we were mixing batches in our kitchen and shipping to fellow keto-ers across the country. They loved the taste, they loved that it kept them full, and they loved the way it made them feel.

We could never have imagined that this would become our life's work, but we couldn't be more thankful for where this path has led us—to a community and lifestyle we love so much. And despite the company's growth, we never forget Keto Chow's beginnings: focused on family, healing, and superior nutrition. It's our purpose and our promise.

Our Mission

Keto Chow was founded to simplify health, with the ultimate aim of enabling people to succeed with their goals and live the lifestyle they want to live. We are open, honest and fun (the way we wish all companies were).

We make keto easy by providing:

  1. A product that is easy to use, delicious and nutritious.
  2. A community that inspires, educates and connects people to each other and themselves.
  3. A company that supports, listens to and values their customers and employees.

Our Commercials

Over the years we've made some really great commercials, they're a great way to understand what's so great about Keto Chow (and have a laugh!) - here are some of our favorites:

Visit Us

Come visit us and shop in person at:

12577 S 265 W STE 4A
Draper, UT 84020