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Beverly Jones
Jan 16, 2019  ·  2 min read
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Beverly’s Week 2

I laugh at myself whenever I noisily slurp up the last few drops of a Keto Chow shake.  I always want more even though my stomach is satisfied.  When I watched Chris’ Day 10 video, I totally could relate when he said he wants each flavor of Keto Chow to leave the consumer wanting more.  I always, always want more.  Yum!

Wanting more is something that makes this 100-day challenge (or any “diet”) difficult.  Even though I have eaten enough, I sometimes really want to eat more.  Food sounds good!  I encountered an awkward situation earlier this week when a group of co-workers went out to lunch for one individual’s last day of employment.  This co-worker is a friend so I wanted to go.  Just as I saw when dining out last week, other people are more uncomfortable with the fact that I am not eating than I am – but I did not like having attention drawn to me.

Today, I added a bit of chia seed gel to my lunch (Pumpkin Spice Caramel).  I used to do this frequently but had kind of forgotten about it.  While dusting last week, I came across the package of chia seeds and set some in the refrigerator to soak.  I really like the added texture and flavor!

I made a mistake Monday night when I grabbed the wrong bottle of night-time cough syrup off a dark shelf in the middle of the night.  I didn’t realize it until the following night when I looked again and saw I had grabbed the regular cough syrup rather than the sugar-free version that is located right next to it in the cabinet.  The result of this can be seen on my net carbs chart above.  🙁  Be very careful to read labels when purchasing any type of medication, including cough drops.  Calories and nutrition information are rarely included on the packaging so you have to look for any form of sugar listed in the ingredients.

Fortunately, this mistake did not knock me out of ketosis (stayed above 0.5!).  I typically check my ketone level in the evenings before I drink my 2nd shake.  The resulting numbers (see above) directly reflect how many hours it has been since I had my 1st shake.  If it has only been about two hours, the number is lower; if it has been four or more hours, the number is higher.  I’m going to make an attempt to be more consistent about my timing so that the results have more relevance.  And as you can see, I have forgotten to test my ketone level twice.  So now I have sticky note reminders in the refrigerator, on a cabinet door, and on the microwave.  🙂  Hopefully I will not forget again.

For Chris’ DietBet challenge, I think I am going to qualify as one of the “winners” since the goal was to lose 4% in 4 weeks and I have lost about 5%.  Now I just have to keep that weight off!

Since my taste buds were given lots of powdered artificial sweeteners on a daily basis for nearly 40 years (since junior high school), I got used to them and I liked them!  I have not faltered in my decision to instead use liquid sucralose but I honestly am not enjoying my coffee or iced tea as much as before (huge bummer).  Hopefully I get used to the flavor of it!  In the meantime, it is good to see my net carbs and calories staying low (excluding, of course, the cough syrup incident).