Chris Bair holding bacon
Jan 14, 2019  ·  < 1 min read
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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 13

New week, Mondays are always fun ?! My scale says I’m down 11.2 lbs since starting 13 days ago, probably because I mostly did a water fast yesterday.

Yesterday we had some of our neighbors over for dinner. The lady does keto, her husband… he eats what she cooks =) Anyhow, we made beef with broccoli and a Ham fried rice cauliflower that Carrie Brown happened to have made the recipe for last week, perfect timing! Everybody seemed to love the food, I drank my Keto Chow ? – I did plan ahead a bit and made the Spicy Taco Soup flavor, when I went to drink it from the Hydroflask it was still crazy hot so I poured it into a mug, it was still hot so I added a bit of cheese. Still Keto Chow! It was the first (and only) thing I ate yesterday so I figured it was a good idea.

Before I went to bed last night I mixed up a bunch of Keto Chow for this coming week. I got a bag of Chocolate Mint and one of Root Beer last week (two of my new favorites) so I used those along with some Raspberry Cheesecake and plain Chocolate. Looking forward to having my Chocolate Mint hot for breakfast today!