Chris Bair holding bacon
Jan 19, 2019  ·  < 1 min read
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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 18

The challenge is still going fine. Last night I warmed up some of the Costco smoked pulled pork, dang that smelled good. It’s one of the few times thus far that I’ve been truly tempted in the last 18 days to eat something besides Keto Chow. Instead, I warmed up some Chocolate Keto Chow and enjoyed that.

I mixed up 12 new meals of Keto Chow today, that should last 4 days. With me doing this and 3 other people in the house regularly eating Keto Chow, we tend to go through it rather quickly. We didn’t get the Electrolyte Drops and Fasting Drops yesterday but they’re scheduled to come on Monday.

We have our monthly Keto Meat-Up tonight – I’m going to bring some of the prototype Creamy Tomato Basil and the Spicy Taco soups for people to try. Should be a lot of fun. I’m thinking we’ll be watching Dr. Berry’s analysis of Gillian Michal’s comments about Keto – we try to find a short-ish video that’ll get people talking and spend most of the time just talking to each other about keto in groups. You should check to see if there’s a Meat-up in your local area and if there isn’t, organize one!