Chris Bair holding bacon
Feb 13, 2019  ·  < 1 min read
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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 43

We did our weekly Facebook live broadcast last night, tried it in a different location and I think it’s a keeper. Much more relaxing. I looked at my “Heads Up Health” graph for blood ketones just now, looks like I’m averaging about 2.5mmol/L: Blood Ketone Graph I’m actually likely averaging higher than 2.5; the low spots are from when Miriam and I were sharing a Keto-Mojo, now she has her very own and doesn’t need to ask if she can please use mine, she’s very happy =) Speaking of ketone levels, she fasted all day yesterday and when she tested her ketones last night they were at 1.2 mmol/L – she tested again this morning and was at 0.3. Still hasn’t eaten anything, just the “Dawn Phenomenon” working its magic. I learned myself a few years ago that the morning is the worst time to test blood ketones. It’s better to test in the late afternoon.
I just realized that I forgot to go weigh-in for the city challenge this morning. I’m going to need to go do that in an hour or two when the traffic dies down. We are getting all geared up to shoot some new “how to mix Keto Chow” videos later today with the new logo and the mock-up new packaging that we had made, hopefully these will last for some time.