Chris Bair holding bacon
Jan 16, 2018  ·  < 1 min read
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42 Days of Keto Chow – Day 12, how I got started on nutritionally complete foods

Day 12, ketones up slightly at 3.3 mmol/dL. The numbness from my molar crown wore off yesterday just in time for a dull ache to replace it. I doubt I could have chewed anything before this morning so I would have been doing 3 meals of Keto Chow yesterday anyway =) Late in the afternoon I noticed that the crown has a high spot in the middle so I’m going back to the dentist today to get that taken care of. Any weird “bathroom” issues I had at the beginning of the experiment are completely gone now, which is what I expected.

This morning I mixed up 80 meals of Keto Chow 2.1 to take me through a few weeks. Of note: I made 20 meals of the Savory Chicken Soup flavor, mostly so my wife could have some that wasn’t messed up. The coloring test ones we got kept coming with the sweetener in it, which makes for a really weird taste. Anyhow, that’s what I’m drinking for breakfast today. I put a bit of water into the bottle, added the fat, powder, then hot water and shook it up. Put in in my backpack for the 5 minute drive and it’s still nice and warm.