Chris Bair holding bacon
Jul 29, 2015  ·  < 1 min read
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All multi-vitamins are not created equal

…though I’m sure their mothers love them all very much. I get asked a lot about the vitamins I include in Keto Chow, specifically they’re the “Kirkland Signature Daily Multi” from Costco.
Can you use a different multi-vitamin? maybe but you will likely have deficiencies in some areas and overages in others. The recipe for Keto Chow is matched with the Kirkland vitamins, to the extent that if you want to use a different vitamin pill it has to have essentially the exact same amounts of the various vitamins and minerals and at that point you might as well just use the Kirkland ones. When my wife started doing Keto, she wanted to use the multi-vitamins she had been using before. The only way to know if it will work is to clone the Keto Chow recipe, delete the Kirkland multi-vitamin and add your own vitamin into the recipe. When I tried this with my wife’s vitamins there were some serious problems, even though they were vitamins “for women” they had no iron, low vitamin K and no iodide/iodine. About 2 months ago I looked into using Celebrate Multivitamins because they are in capsules that could be opened up and integrated into the dry powder, which would solve a lot of issues. Here’s what I ended up with:Celebrate vitamins Yeah, THAT’s not going to fly. So I’m back on the Kirkland. So once again, you can use a different multi-vitamin but you’re gambling that it has the stuff you need when coupled with what’s available in Keto Chow. For reference, here is the Supplement facts for the Kirkland vitamins (click to embiggen): Kirkland signature