Chris Bair holding bacon
Mar 12, 2015  ·  < 1 min read
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Checked out the Dymatize “Gourmet” flavors, prolly won’t work for ketosis.

I got a message asking what the difference was between the Dymatize Nutrition Elite “Gourmet Vanilla” and Dymatize Elite Gourmet “French Vanilla” – In a nutshell: the difference is carbs.
I freaked out and got super excited when I saw that the “gourmet”line has peanut butter chocolate flavor. I almost ordered some right then and there but then I checked the nutrition label and compared it to the “elite”.ELite_Whey_Vanilla_2lbs EG-2lb-FV The “gourmet” ones have 6 grams of net carbohydrates per “serving” compared to 2 on the “elite”, so 3x as much. If you put 110g of the gourmet into Keto Chow, it will contribute 20.72 net carbs making a grand total of 24.62g net carbs (compared to 13 with the “elite”). Now, that’s actually doable depending on your activity level and not eating anything else with carbs in it during the rest of the day but you will have a harder time staying in ketosis. Dangit, I was looking forward to trying the chocolate peanut butter. I guess I could always grab some PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter, it has 3 net carbs per 12g serving. OK, you’ve talked me into it, I’m going to get some and try 12g in a blender bottle of Keto Chow.