Chris Bair holding bacon
Jan 5, 2016  ·  < 1 min read
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Day 002 – 100 days of Keto (Chow)

  • Weight: 208.5
  • Blood ketones: 0.3 mmol/L

Blood ketones are increasing and hey hey, I’ve only got 10lbs to go before I’m back down to what I was in September.

I didn’t overtly eat anything carby Thanksgiving through New Years, I was actually pretty good during the holidays but I think too much sugar alcohols (specifically malitol) got to me. I’m not eating any of that now so everything should work out well. I ran on the treadmill last night but the heart rate monitor was being sketchy so I don’t have anything quantitative to show for it (no pretty graphs or data). I’ll see if I can get it happy tonight.