Chris Bair holding bacon
May 21, 2015  ·  < 1 min read
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Dietitians Association admits they were wrong about Salt, Cholesterol, Saturated Fat and Sugar

It’s too bad they forgot to mention that refined carbohydrates are essentially just sugar as well but hey, it’s progress. You can get more info at Diabetes-Warrior.

Quick quote from that link:

1) Supporting the DGAC

[Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee] in its decision to drop dietary cholesterol from the nutrients of concern list and recommending it similarly drop saturated fat from nutrients of concern, given lack of evidence connecting it with cardiovascular disease;

  • After decades of promoting harmful ‘low fat’ and ‘low cholesterol’ foods and dietary guidance…
  • After decades of blaming saturated fat and dietary cholesterol for the explosion in diseases including diabetes…
  • After causing immeasurable harm to MILLIONS (billions?) of people for decades with their advice, advice that at the very least aggravates disease and disease protocols (like diabetes) …

AFTER ALL of this …   by admitting that dietary cholesterol and saturated fat are no longer concerns, they are admitting they were wrong to demonize dietary cholesterol and saturated fat.