Chris Bair holding bacon
Dec 6, 2014  ·  2 min read
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Got some Ketosoy, let’s do a review!

In what would appear to be a resounding conflict of interest, I’m going to do a review on ketosoy.
Hey, he was nice enough to send it to me (thanks!) I figure and honest, objective review is in order. So let’s get going! ketosoy package So I got a day’s worth, it came in a standard USPS letter size package. Padding is competely unnecessary for this and there wasn’t any damage to the envelope. I managed to smear the “contents” label there on the front when I put the package face down on a still-damp-from-cleaning counter. both labels on the front appear to have been made with an inkjet printer and smearing when wet is something that’s to be expected. I’m guessing these early production runs are like that until more permanent packaging is finalized. ketosoy label OK, back label time! there’s some stuff to note: the nutrition facts are for 1/3 of the pouch or 1 “meal” so stuff should be giving you around 33% of your totals. I’m going to throw out a wild guess and say that if you were to take a multivitamin like the Kirkland Signature Daily Multi Vitamin specified in the ketofood recipe you’ll probably get 100% of your RDA. That said, the vitamin D is awfully low (but then we don’t have to get into a heated discussion about the merits of D3 vs. D2). I was a bit surprised to see it has milk protein concentrate, as opposed to the typical whey protein isolate. That would mean that it has more of the “stuff” from the milk instead of just the protein. Some lactose intolerant people can have WPI but can’t have concentrate. I’m guessing the “edible grasses” is for fiber and vitamin K. Horray for not bleeding to death! The primary oil is Olive which was apparent when I mixed it up (looked like olive). package contents So here’s what’s inside. Splenda is sucralose. The instructions say to “sweeten to taste” – yeah I just barely noticed that now. I put all 5 packets into my 3 bottles and I’m guessing it’s going to be pretty intense. Dangit. The paper-covered foil packet opened easily and looks nice, the dark green oil container will keep the oils from oxidizing from UV light; this will keep the vitamin K in the oils from being destroyed. Again: horray for not bleeding to death. extra 4g It’s like winning the lottery: I got an extra 4.6g of ketosoy! =) I mixed up three bottles after glancing at the rather sparse mixing instructions. It’s really not complicated though, and well, I’ve done pretty much the same thing before. After mixing I stuck all three bottles in the fridge and I’ll try it out tomorrow. ketosoy close-up Up close, Ketosoy looks an awful lot like Ketofood – well except for the splenda there on top. I think the chia seeds are ground (good) but I didn’t  remember to check close. Dangit again. Anyhow, time for bed – I’ll do a followup when I actually taste it tomorrow.