Chris Bair holding bacon
May 26, 2015  ·  < 1 min read
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Great opinion from The Times – Cholesterol and Saturated Fat are OK now.

You can read the full thing here:

Quick quote:

Indeed, the evidence that insisting on low-fat diets caused people to eat more carbohydrates, and that led to the explosion in obesity and diabetes, looks pretty strong — so far. After all, the main route by which the body lays down fat is to manufacture it from excess sugar in the liver. But why did carbohydrate consumption start to increase so rapidly in the 1960s? At least partly because of the advice to avoid meat and cheese. Obesity and diabetes are the price we have paid for getting fat and cholesterol so wrong.

How about a full, drains-up inquiry into how the medical and scientific profession made such an epic blunder and caused so much misery to people? Consider not just the damage that was done to people’s lives by faulty advice, but to the livelihoods of dairy and beef farmers and egg producers (I declare an interest as a very small producer of free-range eggs). Which has more sugar: an apple or an egg?