Chris Bair holding bacon
Jun 15, 2016  ·  < 1 min read
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Keto Chow 1.5 update – almost there; Finally missed reps on StrongLifts

So first the good news: The roll out of Keto Chow 1.5 is nearly complete. Rather than list what is updated to 1.5, I’ll just list what isn’t.
  • Chocolate Fudge
  • Banana and Butter Cream Toffee (as they’re discontinued but I still have some)
  • Chocolate Mint
  • Snickerdoodle
  • Vanilla
  • Cookies & Cream
  • None. They’re all switched over.
Now for the bad news: Up until last night I hadn’t missed a single rep doing StrongLifts. It was inevitable that I would and it finally happened. Last week I was able to finish the full set of Overhead Press doing 95lbs but doing 100lbs was too much for me, even resting 5 minutes between sets: 2016-06-15 16.04.57 Well, life moves on. The kids asked for Strawberry and Peanut Butter keto chow today.