Chris Bair holding bacon
Dec 28, 2018  ·  < 1 min read
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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day -4

Yesterday I announced that I was going to be starting a bit of fun on January 2, 2019: I’ll be doing 100 days of Keto using Keto Chow. Part of it will be for a weight loss challenge my city does, and part of it will be doing some science with controlled variables. I decided that everyone should be able to get in on the fun too!

You are officially invited to join in on the first month with me!

I set up a DietBet challenge this morning with the entry amount at $10 (the lowest I can set, I want the barrier to entry low!). The challenge runs for 4 weeks from January 2 through January 31. DietBet does its thing and there’s a pot for anyone that loses more than 4% of their body weight but we’re just going to be using DietBet so that they can handle all the verification and such. The REAL prizes are as follows:

  • Top percentage loser gets a $150 Keto Chow gift card
  • Second Place gets a $100 Keto Chow gift card
  • Third Place gets a $75 Keto Chow gift card

Employees of Keto Chow (including me) will also be competing, but there will be different prizes for them, so don’t worry =).

One thing to note: When you sign up, DietBet is going to try to get you to add a $5 membership and a trial of some exercise program. Personally, I’d recommend declining both: