Miriam Bair headshot
Miriam Bair
Jan 25, 2023  ·  3 min read
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Valentine’s Day Gift Guide: Go Beyond The Typical Gift

person holding Valentine's Day gift

Well, it’s that time of year to choose a Valentine’s Day gift for yourself, a significant other, and/or another loved one. We’ve created a guide for all of your gift-giving needs—one that goes beyond a laundry list of random items from Amazon that no one needs.

1. Experiential gifts

Couple surfing together

Think of an experience you can give—not an object. These kinds of gifts foster stronger relationships than material gifts. Pay for a class your loved one has wanted to take, take them skydiving, go surfing, or give them concert tickets. Not sure where to find events in your area? Look up local theaters, conference centers, and other venues in your city or region, or search by location on Eventbrite.


Couple volunteering at shelter

The idea of “DIY coupons” may seem cheesy, but they actually make great gifts! It can be something simple (“I will do the dishes on your assigned nights this week,”) or something that takes a little more time (like helping them complete a complex project). Taking the time to serve your loved ones shows them that you care enough to lighten their load.


Woman writing a letter

Tell your loved ones what you appreciate and admire about them. Thank them for specific things they have done for you. Doing this in a letter gives you more time to think and choose the right words you 


Couple cooking together

You can check out our Valentine’s day recipe roundup for some ideas, but whatever you choose, you are taking the time to make something nice for them (or for yourself)! 

5. A Subscription or other service

myChow Subscription

Make life a little easier with services that save time! It could be a laundry service, a subscription to an app that makes certain tasks faster or easier, meal delivery or meal replacement delivery—whatever will free up some of their time that they can put towards more meaningful things on their endless to-do list.

6. Show Support

Couple doing yoga together

Think about the person you are buying for. Are they working on building an exercise habit? Buy them some fun workout gear. Did they set a goal to learn how to knit? Buy them some fancy yarn they probably wouldn’t buy for themselves.

Are they keto, or are they looking for ways to eat healthier? Ahem. We know a place with some fabulous options. (It’s us.) Take a look at our Valentine’s picks.

Show your support of their goals however you can!

7. Do some arts & crafts together

message in bottle

Look at what you already have around the house that you could use. What can you do with those extra pipe cleaners, or a blank mug? Make a message in a bottle, a bouquet of something they love, or  a picture collage of the two of you together. Crack out the paint and hot glue gun and get crafting!

In conclusion

Couple loving on each other

Whatever your Valentine’s Day looks like this year, remember: celebrate the people you are grateful for, and take care of yourself. You are loved, and you are enough.