Chris Bair holding bacon
Jan 16, 2019  ·  < 1 min read
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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 15

100 days of keto chow day 15

We did our Facebook LIVE last night, you can check out the recording here. The 100 day challenge is still going fine – This morning I grabbed two Chocolate Mint out of the fridge for breakfast and for lunch, should be yummy! Yesterday we launched our new logo and I’ve been busy putting that in place everywhere I can remember. If you see the old logo somewhere that isn’t on an old package photo, let me know!

We’re supposed to be getting the reformulated Fasting Drops and the Electrolyte Drops today, though it may be tomorrow before we get those. Still, I get to change the pages around and all that so that people are aware of the changes. Aside from that I just finished making a backup image of my laptop hard drive and getting ready to reinstall everything from scratch either later today or tomorrow.