Chris Bair holding bacon
Feb 19, 2019  ·  < 1 min read
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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 49

100 days of keto chow day 49

Oh man, we are so close to the half-way point! As of today I’m down 25.4lbs, my blood ketone levels were on the low side last night at 1.9mmol/L but today they are up to 2.3mmol/L (not that that really matters, still cool though). I’m still really enjoying the “just heavy cream” part of the current section, it’s really yummy.

Spent all morning moving Miriam’s computer, we’re going to put Steve up front to handle walk-in customers now. I need to put up a bunch of recipes on the site today, especially since we’re going to be having Taffiny (the lady that made many of the recipes on our site) as a guest on the Facebook live we are doing tonight. Be sure to join us at 7:30 pm Mountain time!

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