Chris Bair holding bacon
Jan 25, 2018  ·  2 min read
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42 Days of Keto Chow – Day 21, Running on (almost) empty

view of city

Yesterday afternoon I went to San Francisco. I was running a little late, made it to the gate just in time for boarding (I actually ran a lot of the way with a big backpack and roll display)… and just as I got there, my phone buzzed to let me know that the plane was delayed due to weather. Instead of leaving at 3, we left at 4:30. So I relaxed for a bit… and was nearly an hour late for the event I was going to SF for. That sucked.

I was able to mix up a 4 meal pitcher of Vanilla, Salted, Caramel, and Chocolate with heavy cream (that I brought in my bags) plus another pitcher with avocado oil. I got to talk to a few people, it might have been worth it, dunno yet. Funnily, the people that tried the samples the most and that I talked to the most were the other vendors. I kept getting “Wow, this actually tastes really good!” Shouldn’t be so surprised but I’ll accept it as a compliment =) I packed everything back up and took BART back to the airport, where I proceeded to wait from 10 pm to 4 am so I could check my bags and get to the gate for my 6 am flight.

I’m really quite tired. I slept for about 30 minutes around 11 pm and for about 2 hours between 2 and 4. Got back home at 10 am, took a shower and checked my ketones. As I mentioned yesterday, instead of dealing with bringing food I just ate all 3 meals before I left and fasted until I got home. When I checked my levels I was at 3.5 mmol/dL – that’s pretty high for doing heavy cream!

Anyway, I’m here at work, just like I was 24 hours ago, waiting for the USPS truck to come and pick up the mail, wishing I was asleep but I have too much to do and my brain is on so I wouldn’t be able to anyway (plus our bedroom is getting holes in the drywall sanded right now and everything is covered by sheets so I couldn’t sleep there if I wanted to (which I do).