Chris Bair holding bacon
Aug 22, 2024  ·  2 min read
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All About Keto Chow Vitamin Base Powder

Chris and Miriam with updated Base Powder

Keto Chow is most well-known for our dessert-like meal shakes, but if you look at our full product lineup, you’ll notice Vitamin Base Powder listed. Here’s an overview of what that is, and how to use it.

What is the Vitamin Base Powder?

Keto Chow Base Powder

The Vitamin Base Powder is the vitamin mix that we use in our Keto Chow shakes. While it has tons of nutritional goodness, it doesn’t have the protein powder, flavoring, or sweetener that are in our meal shakes. 

How do I use the Vitamin Base Powder?

YouTube ThumbnailHow to make your own meal...

Our Vitamin Base Powder is designed to be combined with a flavored protein powder of your choice to increase its nutritional value and make it a complete meal (just like Keto Chow!). We recommend adding one serving of Base Powder to approximately 1 ounce (+/- 30g) of protein powder. Our friends 2KrazyKetos did a video some time ago with an earlier formula of our Base Powder that explains some of the finer details.

Why would I use Vitamin Base Powder?

drinking shake

The vitamin mix in our Vitamin Base Powder can be difficult to source. Many members of the Keto Chow community enjoy being able to add the extra nutrition while having the flexibility to use any flavored protein powder (and any sweetener) of their choice. Want a flavor we don’t have? Vitamin Base Powder gives you that option.

Because it does not contain protein powder (which is the ingredient that adds the most bulk to our flavored Keto Chow products), it also allows for more affordable international shipping for customers outside of the United States.

How is the new Vitamin Base Powder formula different?

Keto Chow. Make keto easy

The most recent Vitamin Base Powder (updated in August 2024) has an updated formula with significantly less fiber. This has reduced the bulk of the product even more—packing more nutrition in an even smaller space. It also has reduced the number of total carbs to only 1.44.

Those familiar with the old formula might notice the following changes as well:

  • Number of servings. Where the old formula came in a bag with 21 servings, this new formula comes in a small tub with 30 servings.
  • Price. The per serving cost has been lowered to $2.17.