Chris Bair holding bacon
Oct 22, 2014  ·  < 1 min read
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Back from Dreamforce, added Bitcoin payment

dreamforce bitcoin

While I was gone, I got a question about adding Bitcoin as a payment option. So that’s now an option along with Paypal.

I’m back from the Dreamforce conference! It was a week of soylent-fueled learning stuff (there might have also been a few concerts and parties that I may or may not have gone to). I packed my People Chow in the GNC containers I have everywhere at my house now. I figured the TSA would be more affable if it was in a labeled container that (somewhat) represented what was inside. I didn’t have a problem at all though.

soylent at the airport
soylent at the airport

Dreamforce was great though and I added an additional certification, so now in addition to being a Certified SalesForce Administrator I’m also now a Certified SalesForce Cloud Consultant. I guess the next step is getting my Advanced Admin.

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Yeah, I’ve had most of these conversations. Apparently I do… computers.

Sketch from a vendor booth