Chris Bair holding bacon
Apr 10, 2019  ·  < 1 min read
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Facebook Live recording from April 9, 2019

facebook live

Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more!

This week we talked about:

  • Mocha is on sale this week
  • Day 98 of my experiment: 100 days of eating nothing but Keto Chow
  • Using butter with Keto Chow tastes fantastic. I like Salted butter for the added salt. What flavors have we tried?
  • We’re at Fitcon this week, at Keto Salt Lake in 2 weeks, there are only 35 tickets left!
  • Shelley wants to know if anyone has problems getting their daily water
  • Someone asked how long it took for Keto Chow to arrive: a dissertation on when we are open and when we ship orders.
  • What do you do if your Keto Chow is too thick
  • Mary wants to know what to do when you go out and everyone wants you to eat non-keto food
  • Over on Reddit DefNotAShark asked for advice on how many calories to shoot for during his own 100 days of Keto Chow
  • StacyStitches posted an exceptionally long review of all the flavors she tried, others chimed in with their own reviews.
  • DrawInfinity tried Chocolate Keto Chow hot and absolutely loved it.

Here is the facebook live recording, complete with the user comments: