Chris Bair holding bacon
Feb 27, 2019  ·  < 1 min read
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Facebook Live recording from Feb 26, 2019

facebook live

This week we had a special guest: Amanda of @amandaeatsketo fame as well as many of the recipes that use Keto Chow. In addition to making amazing recipes, she has been working as a medical assistant at Ogden Medical Weight Loss Clinic with Dr. Rohn Rigby where they use ketogenic diets (among other interventions) to help their patients with a wide range is ailments but chiefly to successfully lose weight and regain their health. Here is the high-quality UHD4K recording from the camera:

We also discussed some other stuff:

  • Root Beer Float is on sale this week, 10% off
  • Day 56 of my experiment: 100 days of eating nothing but Keto Chow
  • Where to find the recipes on the Keto Chow site
  • Stephanie wants to know: Can you use almond milk instead of heavy cream for keto chow?
  • Katie asked: Can someone explain keto chow to me. What is it? How do you do it? The benefits?
  • If you have pets or are around people with pets, don’t buy xylitol. If a recipe calls for xylitol and you have pets, use something else.  Erythritol has less of a glycemic effect than xylitol and is not toxic.
  • What to do if Keto Chow is WAY too filling – takes hours to drink.
  • MCT Oil and MCT Oil powder, what are they useful for?
  • DeeAnn ads TrueOrange to the Orange Cream Keto Chow. Anna uses TrueLemon in Vanilla
  • Carrie wants to know How does everyone store their Keto Chow?
  • Beth asks about Keto Chow in carb manager – scans as 4 carbs.

Here is the original Facebook live recording, complete with the user comments