Chris Bair holding bacon
Jul 17, 2019  ·  < 1 min read
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Facebook Live recording from July 16, 2019

facebook live

Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Here is the high-quality recording straight from the camera in UHD4K

We talked about:

  • Root Beer FLoat is on sale this week,
  • We got our booth stuff from Keto Con back today. So we wanted to show you some fun things that we found in there.
  • Ketonia Foods is on a prime day deal on the Macaroons.
  • “Just Made Keto” frosting, they have yummy cakes and the frosting is really good.
  • Drop forged survival – Chris Thorn is doing videos and a 90 day fitness survival challenge while on Keto (and using Keto Chow) – check it out
  • Keto Chow Recipe challenge details
  • Our 7 day Keto Chow challenge is over and it was lovely.
  • Ketofest is this weekend. We are so excited.
  • Shirley from our Facebook support group asked: “I am starting to feel less hungry now. But if I don’t eat enough to meet my macros is that a bad thing?”
  • We just got a book in the mail today that’s on a prime day deal for the Kindle Version by Jennifer Garza, it looks like it has some good stuff in it.

Here is the facebook live recording that went up on Facebook, complete with the user comments: