Chris Bair holding bacon
Jun 21, 2019  ·  < 1 min read
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Facebook Live recording from June 18, 2019

facebook live

Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Here is the high-quality recording straight from the camera in UHD4K

We talked about:

  • Chocolate is on sale this week, it doesn’t go on sale very often so you may want to snatch one up.
  • Subscriptions work more better
  • Giving Keto Chow to kids
  • Tomorrow’s give away, Cauliflour foods and Alternasweets sauces
  • We are moving warehouses to Draper UT in July
  • We are loving making ice cream with keto chow in the hot summer already.
  • One person on the facebook support page today said they were going to TGI Fridays for dinner and asked for help. I think this helps: think of what you can have, not what you can’t. You can have so many wonderful foods. Enjoy the journey.
  • We got Chris a cool ice cream maker for father’s day
  • Basic mixing, 2 oz melted butter with warm water then shake, 4 oz heavy cream and 14 oz water then shake, show blender bottle.
  • A cook fellow Keto Chow friend posted his transformation story on our page yesterday everyone should go see it. His name is Tyler he’s lost 100lbs on Keto, congratulations Tyler!
  • We are going to be doing an upcoming recipe challenge soon so think if your funnest, cool, Keto Chow recipes to submit and the winner will get an ultimate Keto Chow prize packet! Look out for announcements for that upcoming.

Here is the facebook live recording that went up on Facebook, complete with the user comments: