Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Here is the high-quality recording straight from the camera in UHD4K
We talked about:
We’re messing around with some new microphones – they seem to work pretty well!
The Keto Chow flavor of the week is Egg Nog, It’s 10% off until Monday morning.
You can use https://everytimezone.com to help figure out time zones
Please go vote for our recipe challenge this week. There are some yummy recipes you can use for your Thanksgiving meal. We did Miriam’s family Thanksgiving on Sunday night and we made Joe’s Chocolate Pie. It was yummy!
Chris Bair is a technology and computer geek. He became involved in the nutritionally complete "future foods" movement in January 2014, originally with a conventional recipe and later switching to a high fat, low carb "ketogenic" variant on October 2014. In January 2015 he created the recipe for Keto Chow and released it without restriction for anyone to use, at the same time he began mixing the recipe up for people that wanted a finished product and has seen steady growth in the business every month since.