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Keto Chow
Jul 21, 2021  ·  < 1 min read
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Introducing Peaches and Cream Keto Chow!

Peaches and Cream 21 meal bulk bag

As if there wasn’t enough exciting news today, there’s more: Peaches and Cream is now available in bulk meal bags!

This flavor has only been available in single meal packets for the last several months since it was added to the limited edition lineup, but now you can Peach-ify your keto life even more this summer!

This decadent flavor combines the sweet tang of fresh peach with a touch of cream for a tasty keto meal that just screams hot summer afternoons.

And don’t forget—it’s the key to making our Peach Cobbler Bon Bons the adorable treats that they are (and far too delicious for their own good).