My parents visited Hawaii and my dad sent me some info on his experience.
Bright, sunny Hawaii is a radical departure from his recent photographic work (photos of nightscapes – check out in several of his shots I’m the guy turning on the light to paint the scenes). He seems to really like measuring out 50g into bags ahead of time to make measuring easier:
Keto Chow and traveling is an easy combination. I wondered if airport security would question the plastic bags of powder , but no one has seemed concerned. I pack 50 grams of Keto Chow per small snack bag. I even went to Arizona in December with no security problems. The insulated bottles keep my Chow the perfect temperature, even in Kauai. Winter here is only a few degrees cooler than the Summer months but my favorite time to escape the snowy mountains of home in January.
A local snack of dry roasted macadamia nuts has been a unique and readily available treat. Serving size, 1/4 cup. Total carbs, 4 grams. Dietary fiber, 2 grams. Net carbs 2 grams, same as almonds. Total fat, 21 grams to balance protein intake.
I forgot a measuring cup but that was a simple purchase. Extra cream can serve as a substitute for the MCT oil for a few days, ingredients. I like to bring a variety of flavors but my favorites are: chocolate peanut butter, rich chocolate and strawberry blast. The wonderful smell of fresh pineapple has not even been able to convince me to break my diet. Keto Chow is a big part of my successful quest to lose weight.
Chris Bair is a technology and computer geek. He became involved in the nutritionally complete "future foods" movement in January 2014, originally with a conventional recipe and later switching to a high fat, low carb "ketogenic" variant on October 2014. In January 2015 he created the recipe for Keto Chow and released it without restriction for anyone to use, at the same time he began mixing the recipe up for people that wanted a finished product and has seen steady growth in the business every month since.