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May 22, 2023  ·  < 1 min read
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Keto Chow Success Stories: Alison R.

keto chow success story alison r

I weighed myself this morning. 148, down from 210 in August 2022. I’m no longer on medication for hypertension, and my gym rat son told me, based on some calculator he uses to track his muscle gains, I could bench press more weight than 92% of women my age. I don’t know about all that! 🤣

I’m 52 years old. Over the last ten years, my weight kept increasing, and my overall health kept worsening. No diet or exercise program I tried (and there were a lot) did anything to turn the tide for me until I started a lazy keto diet. I lost 20 pounds in the first six weeks, but the work involved in modifying meals to make them keto was overwhelming.

Once I discovered Keto Chow and incorporated the delicious shake mixes into my diet, my health and healing journey went at warp speed. In addition to the weight loss (60+ pounds and still going!), I have much more energy and significantly less inflammation. Keto Chow makes meal planning and preparation easy, delicious, and fun!