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Keto Chow
Dec 14, 2023  ·  2 min read
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Keto Chow Success Story: Michelle R.

shakes with confetti

After a lifetime of yoyo dieting, hospital trips, and overall poor health, I discovered keto at 290 lb. a few years ago.

My health improved and I lost weight but still struggled to break 250 lb… I couldn’t figure out a way to make healthy meals and stay consistent with my crazy work/travel schedule, so I’d bounce between losing weight on keto, then reverting back to the Standard American Diet and gaining some back as life got crazy.

My doctor said with the PCOS and other health issues, I’d never get below 250 without weight loss surgery, and I should expect to gain the weight back. One doctor went so far as to say, “I hope your husband likes women round.”

Enter Keto Chow.

I purchased a starter kit and jumped on the “month of Keto Chow” challenge and got down to 220, the lowest I’d been in years! The doctor gave the ok to start exercising, and I actually felt well enough to do it, which was weird. I’ve always been the fat kid… Exercise has always been punishment, not something I’d do willingly.

The scale wasn’t moving but I got a work physical and the fat/muscle percentage had changed drastically, my lung capacity was improved, adult acne was gone, perfect cholesterol and no longer need a statin (shameless plug for those who have heard that keto will turn you into a piece of butter fat with sky-high cholesterol).

My hormone specialist commented on how good everything looked and removed all but the natural supplements. She had me walk through what I was doing and later mentioned that she’s suggested Keto Chow to a few other patients, and said that my way of eating was “the best thing you could do not only for longevity, but for your quality of life.” The number on the scale was holding fast but clearly other stuff was improving.

Down to 210. My pants fell down at work while I was carrying stuff. Time to hit a thrift store for some transitional clothing.

205 and it’s Thanksgiving. We indulged a little, spent long overdue quality time with family, and yeah, gained some water weight. But that was ok too. None of the guilt or shame about food that’s always accompanied a “cheat day.” One day was just one day. Keto Chow was ready and in the shaker on Saturday.

So here we are in December — the prime weight-gain season. 198. One-derland. Healthier than I’ve ever been, numbers where they should be, with no weight-focused medical intervention. A lifelong insomniac but finally sleeping. Not needing to ask for seatbelt extensions on the plane. Ditched the statin I started in my early 20s. And bought a lovely copy of “Alice in Wonderland” to mark the occasion.

A huge THANK YOU to the people over at Keto Chow. The products and community you’ve created have had a wonderful ripple effect. It’s not even that I couldn’t have done it without KC, but I WOULDN’T have done it without KC!