Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Starting in January 2020, we switched to a new platform where we can broadcast to YouTube and Facebook at the same time. It’s pretty cool, actually. You can find the stream on YouTube or Facebook.
This week we talked about
Strawberry is 10% off this week until Monday.
Our Father’s Day giveaway goes until Friday, simply nominate a cool Dad and you get entered to win a gift card for him and you for $200 of Keto Chow stuff. Live now on the Keto Chow Facebook page
We also have another giveaway with the Lovely Carrie Brown, we are giving away a Carrie Brown masterclass, a 21 meal bag of Raspberry Cheesecake Keto Chow, her ice cream cookbook, and an ice cream maker. You will not want to miss this one!
We have a rewards program. You get 10 points for every dollar spent.
Where is your favorite Keto place to eat out?
Let’s talk about why we recommend letting Keto Chow sit before eating it.
Have you mixed up your keto chow and it is too salty or too thick? Let’s talk about fixing that.
What are your favorite snacks/food for camping?
Let’s quit the “stinkin thinkin” – thinking unkind things to yourself. Nurse Cindy has some great tips. Check out her videos, part 1 and part two
Chris Bair is a technology and computer geek. He became involved in the nutritionally complete "future foods" movement in January 2014, originally with a conventional recipe and later switching to a high fat, low carb "ketogenic" variant on October 2014. In January 2015 he created the recipe for Keto Chow and released it without restriction for anyone to use, at the same time he began mixing the recipe up for people that wanted a finished product and has seen steady growth in the business every month since.