Chris Bair holding bacon
May 13, 2020  ·  2 min read
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Live Stream recording from May 12, 2020

May 12 live stream

Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Starting in January 2020, we switched to a new platform where we can broadcast to YouTube and Facebook at the same time. It’s pretty cool, actually. You can find the stream on YouTube or Facebook

We talked about:

  • Vanilla is on sale 10% off this week. Vanilla is super easy to customize to make “weird” and exciting flavors, lends itself to all kinds of tomfoolery.
  • We have a “caption this photo” contest running with a giveaway. Head over to our Facebook page to enter.
  • This month is Military appreciation month. Did you know Keto Chow has a military and first responder discount? Thank you Military and first responders!
  • We recently changed our subscription program, it now gives you a 10% discount. Once you’ve created the subscription you can change the frequency, flavors, skip deliveries, and more. It is pretty cool.
  • How much protein do you need on a ketogenic diet? Probably more than you think and more is better than less.
  • RobAndDiana mentioned that they didn’t like Chocolate Mint at first but then learned how to mix it correctly and now love it! Don’t count out a flavor.
  • The importance of adding enough water, getting the flavor right.
  • If you’re near Draper Utah, be sure to drop by. We have products and sales in the “store” that aren’t on the website.
  • Betsy made a great suggestion: if you feel like you need to snack on something, don’t forget about pickles!
  • It’s cheaper and often faster to order directly from the Keto Chow site instead of Amazon, if you do order from Amazon and there’s a problem with the order please be aware that there is VERY little Keto Chow can do to fix the problem. You’ll need to deal with Amazon.
  • Laura posted a funny picture with the caption “me when the shaker bottle spills down the side a lil but like…… I’m not wasting perfectly good Keto Chow”