Chris Bair holding bacon
May 6, 2020  ·  < 1 min read
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Live Stream recording from May 5, 2020

Keto Chow weekly live stream - May 5

Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Starting in January 2020, we switched to a new platform where we can broadcast to YouTube and Facebook at the same time. It’s pretty cool, actually. You can find the stream on YouTube or Facebook

We talked about:

  • The flavor of the week is Raspberry Cheesecake – it’s 10% off until Monday morning
  • If you see our new Rapunzel commercial, be sure to share it with your friends so they can have a giggle.
  • We have two giveaways going on right now: one with miracle noodle and Salsitas Mendoza, and a “share your at-home workstation”.
  • If you are local to our Draper, Utah, warehouse, we have a bunch of special keto products on sale, including KetoLat chocolate and Alterna Sweets sauces
  • Subscriptions are now 10% off. If you are tired of waiting for your favorite flavor to go on sale you can get a subscription for it and get the typical 10% off. You also can earn reward points for subscriptions though you can’t PAY for subscriptions using rewards points or coupons.
  • Natural Strawberry is back in stock.
  • Kristi Davis is running a 21 day keto challenge, more info about that on the Facebook Support Group or the Keto Village Facebook group
  • Can you use MCT oil as the fat for Keto Chow, what fat can you use?
  • What is everyone’s favorite keto chow flavor?
  • We had a new customer on their first day have 2 shakes and be hungry by 4 pm, is this typical?
  • Can I use keto chow without the fat? Will, it still be a meal replacement?
  • If you need more protein, could you add flax, or chia seeds?