Chris Bair holding bacon
Mar 29, 2015  ·  < 1 min read
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My suit from 17 years ago (like back *before* I got married) now fits


My mom (who apparently dresses me funny, thanks for noticing) bought me this suit back in 1998 after I moved back to the states from Chile.

I’ve been down to below my “got married” weight for a while so I decided to try it on for kicks. Yeah, it fits! This is the equivalent of a woman fitting into her wedding dress since this was the suit I was wearing around the time I got married, though it didn’t fit as well then as it does now.

My suit from 16 years ago

For comparison:

2014-10-25 - This was taken 4 days after I started Keto. I was already down 8lbs. My wife looks awesome.
2014-10-25 – This was taken 4 days after I started Keto. I was already down 8lbs. My wife looks awesome.