Chris Bair holding bacon
Aug 30, 2023  ·  < 1 min read
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New Keto Chow Packaging! v3.0

Maple Waffle

We have a really talented team of artists and graphic designers here at Keto Chow, we’ve come a long way from me (Chris) using my amateur-somewhat-training to make a rough approximation of product packaging (seriously – “unweeteend“? what was I thinking?). Over the last year, our team has been hard at work creating a new look for Keto Chow, starting with our packaging.

Keto Chow 3.0 Packaging

Technically, this new “version 3.0” is the same as 2.8, just with new packaging (what’s up with the “versions”?), again designed by actual graphic designers. It looks fancy =)

There is one functional change to the new packaging though – the UPC barcodes are different. The barcodes we’ve been using since 2016 were legally ours to use, we paid for them, BUT! Amazon recently started being weird about companies using legacy UPC codes and are requiring companies to get new GS1 codes that are connected to a trademark and have a yearly renewal fee. It’s a pain. Anyway, we’ll be using these new barcodes on the new packaging.