Chris Bair holding bacon
Feb 20, 2017  ·  < 1 min read
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Out of Black Blender Bottles, change to “Sample all the Things”

sample ALL the things!

We didn’t come close to anticipating the amount of black blender bottles we would need to have one included in the “Sample all the Things” bundle.

We completely ran out and more won’t be here until late April or Early May! So we’re going to go back to having the sample bundle in a bag instead of a blender bottle, which is sad since the Keto Chow logo on the side was really cool! Most of the people ordering the bundles are new customers so they won’t even know what they’re missing. You can, however, still add  a blender bottle separately to your order – we just don’t have black available!

Artwork adapted from Hyperbole and a Half (her FAQ says I can use it so long as I have “Proper credit includes a prominent, easily visible link to the source of the material you want to use” – DONE! =)