Chris Bair holding bacon
Mar 27, 2015  ·  < 1 min read
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Preparing a week of Keto Chow powder – video

preparing a week of Keto Chow

Time to post a video of mixing up a week of Keto Chow. It’s very similar to my earlier videos for People Chow and Ketofood.

You can find the recipe for Keto Chow here. There’s also a video showing what to do with the powder, mixing up 3 meals here.

YouTube ThumbnailMixing the powder for a w...

I mix all 7 days at the same time and do not have a problem with it separating or consistency in the mixture. It’s pretty tiring when people want to argue the merits of mixing this way so I’m not going to argue with them anymore =) I’ve been mixing this way for going on 8 months, never had a problem. You don’t like it? don’t use it! Go ahead and mix every day individually; but this works far better for me than mixing individual days ever did.