Chris Bair holding bacon
Mar 3, 2017  ·  < 1 min read
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Temporary Supply issues, you’ll notice stuff going out of stock, should be OK March 8

sad panda

We are having supply issues with several components, notably xanthan gum and the silver bags we use.

We placed an emergency order for some xanthan gum but the order we placed for the bags is finally shipping today, 6 days later. Likely we won’t have suitable supplies until the morning of Wednesday, March 8, when we can restock the several flavors that are out of stock. To that end, the sale on Cookies and Cream has been extended a week, until March 12. So it’ll be on sale and in stock for a 7 days, just with a sad week of no Cookies between. We’ll try to make certain that the stock quantity for all the flavors and sizes are kept up to date so that if you can place an order, there shouldn’t be a delay waiting for other stuff.

The ironic thing is we have enough protein powder to fill over a month’s worth of orders. We’re just simultaneously out of stock of Xanthan Gum, Potassium Citrate, Acacia Gum and the bags. Now would have been a super convenient time to have Keto Chow 2.0 done and ready!