Chris Bair holding bacon
Aug 29, 2017  ·  2 min read
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Update on Base Powder availability

just minerals- 21 meals worth, mix with 770g of protein powder

Update: surprisingly the packaging facility pulled off an amazing feat and got us 164 of the base powder TODAY as in: it’s already in stock and available right now.

We got a nasty surprise last week: we were getting quite low on Base Powder so we asked the packaging facility how long it would be before they had the rest of the Base Powder pouches we ordered a few months ago. Blink, blink, blink. We then found out that they didn’t have any more of the bags or labels for the bags.


A few days prior I had asked the place doing our bag printing for a quote on doing full printed bags for the Base Powder, I got the quote for those right about the same time I received the bad news. So the decision was to either try to get labels printed and buy stock bags… or get bags printed. The cost was about the same so we decided getting the printed bags was the direction we planned to go anyway – So we put in an order with the bag printing place and waited for info on when it would be ready.

This morning I got the confirmation and estimated ship date, I’m hoping in a few hours I’ll get the layout proof to approve so they can start production. Anyhow, the estimated ship date for the printed bags is:

September 18, 2017 – should be easy to remember, that’s Fiestas Patrias and the day before International Talk Like a Pirate Day. After printing it’ll take a few days to arrive at our warehouse, get over to our packaging facility and start production. The most probable date we will have Base Powder available is going to be sometime right around the end of September or very beginning of October 2017. So, sorry for the bad news and the delay =(

Now to give you some hope: we’re working on a potential stop-gap solution. We have some of the old bags (as seen in the image above) we used to package the Base Powder in (shout out to the Sav-On Bags team!), we’re currently labeling an interim batch of these and we’re planning on taking them down to the packaging facility later this afternoon. Once there we’ll have to contend with scheduling – I’m unsure if it will take just a few days or if it will take a week or longer for them to get it going but, it’s going to be faster than a MONTH. Either way, we should easily have the interim packages relatively soon. As soon as I get a solid estimate of production date I’ll update this page.