Chris Bair holding bacon
Feb 8, 2016  ·  < 1 min read
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User Experience: 3 months and going strong!


My dad is on keto and drinking Keto Chow for it, He passed me another update on his progress to publish on the blog.

Keto Chow has been part of my daily diet for 3 months now.  It tastes great, is easily carried (even on airplanes,) and is very convenient.  My recent trip to Hawaii worked very well with Chow as my main food everyday (2 out of 3 meals a day) for 12 days straight.
Some people think a low-carb diet means low strength and fatigue.  I’ve had no problems keeping up my energy with Chow. I recently wanted to capture the beauty of the rugged Na Pali coast on the island of Kauai and found the only route was a treacherous hike into the jungle and over volcanic boulders.  I have never seen so many muddy adults on the trail —most were 20 and 30-something!  Many were falling down left and right, but I managed the 800 ft elevation gain (in 1/2 mile) and captured this incredible sunset image. The salt spray from the ocean waves, crashing on the shores below, was so heavy even at this elevation that I had to wipe my glasses twice to see my way!