Chris Bair holding bacon
Jul 13, 2015  ·  2 min read
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Glycemic Load and Index

An interesting thread on Reddit talks about the glycemic load of the official Rosa Labs Soylent 1.5 and how it has twice the glycemic load as Coca Cola.

It got me thinking: I wonder what the glycemic index of Keto Chow would be. I already know that it has virtually no detectable impact on blood sugar levels (at least in my own n=1 test). How would I test?

This is from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition:

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the blood glucose-raising ability of the available carbohydrate in foods defined as the incremental area under the glycemic response curve (AUC) elicited by a portion of food containing 50 g available carbohydrate expressed as a percentage of the AUC elicited by 50 g glucose in the same subject.

OK, so in summary: you give 50g of pure glucose to a study participant and check their blood sugar at intervals for 2 hours. Then you wait a long time (you have to be fasting for quite a while before hand) and do it again but with 50g of “available” (NET) carbohydrates. I don’t think I could test using the generally accepted testing procedure since Keto Chow only has (depending on the flavor) 12g of non-fiber carbohydrates per day. So you would need to consume 4 days worth of keto chow (again, I’m not talking about 4 meals, I’m talking about 12 meals!) to get the 50g necessary. That’s nuts.

The Rich Chocolate flavor of Keto Chow has one of the higher net carbs with 6.0g of net carbs per meal. or roughly the same as 1.5 teaspoons of D-glucose (aka: “Dextrose” which is the same as glucose). So I suppose I could test 1 meal of Rich Chocolate and compare it to 6g of D-Glucose. But again, it’ll be a n=1 test and not of much value other than “gee whiz!”. I’ll still probably do it but not for a while.