Chris Bair holding bacon
Nov 21, 2016  ·  < 1 min read
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The Vitamins and Minerals for Keto Chow 2.0 have arrived – also the “sample” packaging is complete

We’re one major step closer to having Keto Chow 2.0 launched. The 2200 lb. (1000 kg) shipment of custom vitamin and mineral pre-mix has arrived.

We had planned on using the 500kg shipment we got a while ago to launch KC2.0 but we’ve used up nearly half of that making KC1.9. Now we can make a bunch!

In other news, I ordered the packaging for the sample/individual meals, check it out:

Pricing isn’t finalized yet but the plan is that 3 of the new samples will cost less than a 3-meal “day” pack currently costs. You may notice that one of the flavors is missing: Chocolate Peanut Butter. We will be making chocolate peanut butter (whoah there, keep your shirt on!) – but the facility that will be packaging all of the samples and most of the week packs has an employee who is allergic to peanuts. The short of it is: we’re having a different facility make the Chocolate Peanut Butter BUT they aren’t able to make stick-packs as large as we need =( Until we figure out a solution, we’ll have week packs of peanut butter, but no samples. Honestly it’s not a huge loss for samples, it’s the best flavor available: you’re going to like it! It is, however, a downer for portability: no individual chocolate peanut butter meals.